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Our Values

VoltView is committed to facilitating the transition to an electrified economy by providing SMEs with comprehensive energy management solutions.



The UK government starts privatising the energy market, signalling the end of state-controlled energy.


The Electricity Act is passed, empowering businesses, with the freedom to choose their energy supplier and hunt for deals that best fit their needs.


Ofgem, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, is formed to protect the interests of consumers.


The UK initiates the rollout of smart meters, providing businesses with real-time energy usage data, enabling better energy management and cost-efficiency.


The energy market diversifies with an increase in suppliers and energy brokers emerge, offering comparison websites but often with opaque fee structures.


A global surge in natural gas prices, supply shortages, and rampant inflation lead to the collapse of numerous energy suppliers. UK businesses grapple with energy bills 2-3 times higher than in 2019.


Allegations of hidden commissions being paid to energy brokers by energy companies surface. Law firms are preparing class actions on behalf of SMEs who may have been mis-sold energy contracts.


VoltView is launched. The VoltView team is engaging in consultations with SMEs and conducting further market research to explore how SMEs could benefit from using their energy data.

Start your energy saving journey today

VoltView provides an all-in-one solution for SMEs by integrating an energy management platform with a comparison tool.